Guys have it easy when it comes to fashion (unless it's stained, a basic suit or a button down-nice pants combo can take them pretty much anywhere), but not when it comes to decor, it seems. The cliche that is the "bachelor pad" has existed for over a century[1] and once married, men often find their stuff banished to the basement. Or, the bachelor pad-lite that is the "man cave."

But, going back to the bachelors: Women will notice nearly everything about your place. A few things, however, really stand out -- and will likely be discussed and dissected with friends after the fact. In no particular order:

1. Do you use Axe cologne as a room spray? Everyone notices the way another person's home smells, for better or for worse. But there's a certain subset of guys who are going off-label with their cologne sprays to infuse their space with "Turbo Manly Man" scents. Overall, you're better off just opening windows.

2. The whole toilet situation. There seems to be two types of bachelor bathrooms: "Minimalist" (a single towel, a single razor, etc.) or "Frat House" (probably was never cleaned).

dirty bathroom

3. That one lone candle. The prevailing thought is that women are the ones who buy and use candles. This is correct, but it doesn't mean men are alien to the charms of a scented candle. Many single guys seem to have one single candle in their apartment, either in the bathroom or by the bed. It's usually maroon or forest green. And it always seems a little creepy.

4. Hand soap. Is it a cracked, ancient bar of Dial soap by the bathroom sink? Or are you asked to use the dish liquid in the kitchen?

empty bathroom

5. The tissues by the bedside. May the universe help us if there is a lotion bottle next to it. Unseemly.

6. Cookware. The mere presence of (clean) pots and pans in a guy's apartment is a great sign, noting that he might actually be able to cook us a nice dinner sometime. Extra points for cookbooks.

7. Plants (living). If a guy can take care of a houseplant, it tells his lady guests that he's a little more attentive than the ones who manage to kill cacti.


8. Clean sheets. One editor recalled a college friend, who admitted that he thought sheets were just one of those things you never washed. Horrifying.

sheets on bed

9. The photos on the walls. In our digital age, we're not sure if people are still displaying photos -- but it was always charming to get a glimpse at a guy's family and friends.

These 9 things might be what women notice in a guy's place...but here are the deal breakers.

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  • No Toilet Paper

    Michelle Manetti, HuffPost Home Associate Editor: "Okay, I know you might not use it every time you use the bathroom. But I use it. Every.Single.Time." (<a href="">Flickr photo by JDAC</a>)

  • Dirty Sheets

    Sarah Leon, Style Blog Editor: "Not washing their sheets multiple times a month. You would be horrified to know about the guys I used to live with." (<a href="">Flickr photo by nanovivid</a>)

  • Cheap Ikea Tables

    Jessica Misener, HuffPost Style Senior News Editor: "The $10 <a href="">Ikea Lack coffee table</a> everyone has is so dorm-roomy... either splurge for a real table or go without!” (Ikea photo)

  • Leaving Lights On

    Christina Anderson, HuffPost Style Fashion Editor: "[My husband] leaves the lights on all over the place. Drives me nuts. He says it's okay because our light bulbs are energy efficient."

    (<a href="">Flickr photo by Molly DG</a>)

  • Hair In Sink

    Shana Ecker, HuffPost Home Editor: "Little hairs in the sink left behind from shaving really gross me out. It only take one second to rinse the bowl -- jeez." (<a href="">Flickr photo by threemiraclesshy</a>)

  • Dirty Dishes

    Rebecca Adams, HuffPost Style Associate Editor: "Dirty dishes in the sink that are over 24 hours old are a deal breaker for me. Yuck." (<a href="">Flickr photo by marysuephotoeth</a>)

  • No Books

    Raydene Salinas, Style & Home Photo Editor: "One major turnoff for me is a lack of books in a guy's place. I'm not asking for a wall of classics and an entire collection of poetry (actually that might be a turnoff too...), but a nice assortment of things he likes to read or books for reference for his hobbies or career is sufficient. If there are no books in his apartment, save maybe a bathroom reader (another issue entirely), he's already got a strike against him. Second request on this note... The books need to be on shelves, not in messy stacks on the floor (strike two)." (<a href="">Flickr photo by kacleaveland</a>)

  • Clothes On Floor

    Ellie Krupnick, HuffPost Style Associate Editor: "When guys have clothing on the floor. Seriously, that shirt probably has three-day old takeout embedded in it. Not hot." (<a href="">Flickr photo by David Masters</a>)

  • No Hand Towels

    Amy Marturana, HuffPost Home Intern: "I've never been in a guy's place that actually has designated hand towels. That drives me nuts. So you just have to dry your hands on a bath towel that's usually always still wet and smelly because they waited to hang it up until five hours after they used it, and by five, I mean like 12." (<a href="">Flickr photo by HokutoSuisse</a>)

  • Lava Lamps

    Rebecca Adams, HuffPost Style Associate Editor: "A guy who owns a lava lamp or anything resembling a lava lamp." (<a href="">Flickr photo by blmurch</a>)

  • Toothpaste in the sink

    <a href=""><img style="float:left;padding-right:6px !important;" src="" /></a><a href="">Francesca1953</a>:<br />To me, this is a total gross out. Just rinse the sink out already!

  • Mouse Traps

    <a href=""><img style="float:left;padding-right:6px !important;" src="" /></a><a href="">T TAT</a>:<br />It is disgusting to see these in a guy's house. If I ever see an actual mouse in it, I'll pass out!

  • BUGS!

    <a href=""><img style="float:left;padding-right:6px !important;" src="" /></a><a href="">T TAT</a>:<br />Bugs are the absolute worst!!!

  • Clean Home, Happy Home - Care Labels

    Clean Home, Happy Home - Care Labels