A Southern Illinois native is walking from Chicago to Atlanta to raise awareness and money for Alzheimer’s disease.

Bill Glass, formerly of Murphysboro, is walking through six states, a travel of 750 miles in an effort to speak with as many people as possible about the condition. Along the way, he will meet with state legislatures to raise awareness, money and advocate for increased government funding to support the Alzheimer’s Association and Alzheimer’s research.

Glass’ mother suffers from Alzheimer’s disease.

“I am calling my walk ‘Flowers for Mom,’ because, as a kid, I would always pick flowers in the fields around the house to bring to her to cheer her up. Even if they were weeds, she would always put them in a vase and set them on the dinning room table or in the living room. I will be taking a single flower for her from Chicago,” Glass said.

Glass added, “I am doing this so that others will not have to suffer as my family has from this disease. My mom and my family did not deserve this horrible disease. No family deserves to be afflicted by this horrible disease.”

Glass pointed out Alzheimer’s disease is up 68 percent in change of deaths from major diseases from 2000 to 2010. All other major diseases including breast cancer, prostate cancer and heart disease went down during that time.

“I wanted to do something because I have read so much about how many people are touched by this disease and I haven’t done much for my mother so I decided to do something. My mom never gave up on me so I will not give up on her,” Glass said.

Glass added, “Mom worked at SIU for many years and touched so many student’s lives. She did not deserve this and nobody else does either. I have been touched by so many people on this journey with association to Alzheimer’s and I am reminded daily why I am doing this.”

If anyone wants to participate in a walk to end Alzheimer’s, there is a walk in October at Carbondale High School.




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