Stem cells have recently appeared in the press for being able to treat cancer[1] , and as a recent study by UK scientists reveals, they might also be able to help repair hearts ravaged by cardiac disease[2] .

When a heart is damaged, it cannot often repair the cells or make news ones. However, the new study shows that re-injected stem cells naturally home in on damaged regions of the heart to repair them.

The discovery could lead to less invasive treatments for heart failure[3] , or early prevention of the condition that affects more than 750,000 Britons.


Heart failure occurs when the heart is too weak to pump blood around the body efficiently, leading to breathlessness, fatigue, and disability.

A leading cause of the condition is heart attacks, but it can also be triggered by genetic defects.

The new research set out to investigate the role of cardiac stem cells by removing them from rodents with heart failure.

Without the stem cells, the animals' hearts were unable to regenerate and recover.

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  • Vegetable oil

    Linoleic acid is essential to keep your heart healthy, so try to consume between two to four teaspoons a day.

  • Tomatoes

    Tomatoes are great for brightening the skin but more importantly, the <a href="" target="_blank">food also acts as a blood purifier.</a> It also contains lots of Vitamin K, which helps to prevent hemorrhages.

  • Oats

    Oats contain a soluble fibre called beta glucan, which helps bring down cholesterol levels, particularly LDL which is the worst type of cholesterol.

  • Avocado

    It's packed with the 'good' type of fat - monounsaturated - and lowers LDL levels (bad cholesterol that increases the risk of heart disease) while raising HDL cholesterol levels in your body. HDL cholesterol prevents your arteries from getting clogged.

  • Soy

    Edamame is the yummiest form of soy, and it's a great source of protein to replace red meat which can be high in bad cholesterol and saturated fat.

  • Salmon

    Omega 3-fatty acids are great for lowering blood pressure, reducing blood clotting and boosting your immunity. According to <a href="" target="_blank">The Mayo Clinic</a>, each one to two servings a week can reduce the risk of heart disease.

  • Blueberries

    All dark berries are good for the heart, but blueberries in particular can help widen arteries, <a href="" target="_blank">which helps blood to flow smoothly, preventing blockages</a>.

  • Chickpeas

    Chickpeas (as well as kidney beans) are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids - a good alternative to fish for vegetarians.

  • Spinach

    Rich in iron, spinach isn't just a good heart disease preventative, it can also help your recovery if you do have a heart attack. It contains <a href="" target="_blank">a lot of nitrite</a> which aids recovery.

  • Almonds

    Like olive oil, almonds are a good source of healthy fat and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Scatter some over your yogurt in the morning - do not eat the whole bag!

When the cells were re-injected, they migrated naturally to where they were needed and began to carry out repairs.

Lead scientist Dr Georgina Ellison, from King's College London, said: "In a healthy heart, the quantity of cardiac stem cells is sufficient to repair muscle tissue in the heart.

"However, in damaged hearts, many of these cells cannot multiply or produce new muscle tissue.

"In these cases it could be possible to replace the damaged cardiac stem cells or add new ones by growing them in the laboratory and administering them intravenously."


How Sleep Deprivation Could Increase Risk Of Heart Disease [4]

The Frightening Truth About Heart Transplants [5]

The research is published in the latest edition of the journal Cell.

Dr Ellison said a better understanding of the way cardiac stem cells worked could lead to safer treatments.


"The cardiac stem cells naturally home to the heart because the heart is their home - they know to go there," she explained.

"Current practices involve major operations such as injection through the heart's muscle wall or coronary vessels.

"The homing mechanism shown by our research could lead to a less invasive treatment whereby cardiac stem cells are injected through a vein in the skin."

Co-author Professor Bernado Nadal-Ginard, from the Centre of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine at King's College, said: "'Although an early study, our findings are very promising.

"Next steps include clinical trials, due to start early 2014, aimed at assessing the effectiveness of cardiac stem cells for preventing and treating heart failure in humans."

Also on HuffPost:


  1. ^ being able to treat cancer (

  2. ^ disease (

  3. ^ heart failure (

  4. ^ How Sleep Deprivation Could Increase Risk Of Heart Disease (

  5. ^ The Frightening Truth About Heart Transplants (


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