Wendy Davis wants you to "join" her and "stand" with Terry.

Last week, Davis, the pro-choice state senator from Texas (in)famous for filibustering a bill that would ban abortions in the state after 20 weeks, sent an email out to supporters pledging her support for Democrat Terry McAuliffe, who is hoping to be Virginia’s next governor.

From Blue Virginia:

What happens in Virginia doesn't stay in Virginia.

I'm Wendy Davis. I took a stand earlier this summer and filibustered Rick Perry's dangerous attempt to limit women's access to health care in Texas. If you were one of the thousands who stood with me that night: thank you.

But Rick Perry didn't invent the idea of trying to legislate women's health centers out of existence.

Ken Cuccinelli fought for years to impose medically unnecessary regulations on women's health centers in Virginia. He won that fight and one center has already shut down. Since then similar laws spread to Ohio, to North Carolina, and of course to Texas.

But we can stop this assault on women's access to health care before it goes any further.

Her solution:

My friend Terry McAuliffe believes women should be able to make their health decisions with their doctor — and without extreme politicians trying to impose their agenda.

Electing Terry sends a powerful message about the strength of women and our allies when we band together.

Considering McAuliffe’s history of defending late-term abortion, it’s no wonder Davis is so determined to get him elected. Back in May, McAuliffe fundraised to stop his conservative opponent Ken Cuccinelli from enacting "unnecessary" health regulations on abortion clinics. These kinds of regulations, such as ensuring clinics provide proper training to its staff as a hospital would, would help prevent other Kermit Gosnell-like ‘House of Horrors’ from operating and therefore save womens' lives. But, clearly Cuccinelli is the one waging a “war on women.”

They say you should choose your friends wisely. Well, with Wendy Davis as an ally, McAuliffe has also chosen to be friends with the dangerous late-term abortion industry.


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