Teri Huyck and Barbara Lyons are Midwesterners who were among the first in their families to go to college.

They enjoy lengthy marriages, dote on children and grandchildren. And they are successful bosses who run high-profile organizations.

But there, the similarities end.

Huyck, 59, is the president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin.

Lyons, 72, is the executive director of Wisconsin Right to Life.

Huyck and Lyons have never met. Yet they are on the front lines of the state's abortion debate, which flared again after the Legislature passed a law requiring hospital admitting privileges for doctors who perform abortions. A federal judge has put the law on hold, pending a trial in November. Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin is a plaintiff in the case.

During separate interviews in their respective offices, the divisions between these leaders become very apparent.

Asked what she thought about those groups opposed to abortion, Huyck said she doesn't know what motivates them and added, "I think they are entitled to their own beliefs, but I don't think they're entitled to force them on us or anybody else."

When asked about Planned Parenthood, which has national offices in New York and Washington, D.C., and 71 independent affiliates across the country, Lyons said: "They are the biggest abortion provider and they make zillions of bucks from it."

Would she like to put Planned Parenthood out of business? "Sure," Lyons said. "At least out of the abortion business."

Huyck joined Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin on an interim basis in 2008 to help turn around the then-financially struggling organization. Previously, she had been with Planned Parenthood of Chicago for nine years, eventually becoming its chief operating officer.

She liked Wisconsin and the people she worked with, and Planned Parenthood leaders liked her. So she stayed. Her base compensation in 2011 was $242,340, according to tax records.

Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin has annual revenue of $26 million and employs around 220 people. It serves around 70,000 patients yearly at 23 health centers, providing an array of services, including annual exams, birth control, cancer screenings and testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.

In 2011, Planned Parenthood performed 4,635 abortions. Overall that year, there were 7,249 induced abortions in Wisconsin, according to the state Department of Health Services. Abortions in the state have declined significantly since 1980, when 21,754 were recorded.

Over the course of her long career, Lyons transformed herself from a stay-at-home-mom into arguably the most influential voice against abortion in Wisconsin. She started as a legislative director with Wisconsin Right to Life in 1977 and became the executive director in 1987. She received $62,083 in base compensation in 2011, tax records show.

Wisconsin Right to Life is the primary lobbying and education group opposed to abortion in the state. Its power comes from an ability to marshal thousands of motivated supporters across the state to influence legislation, policy and elections. The group's endorsement can make or break candidates in Republican primaries.

Wisconsin Right to Life reported spending $43,730 on lobbying in the 2011-'12 legislative session while Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin spent $241,309, according to a report by the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism.

The center also reported that since mid-2008, political committees run by Wisconsin Right to Life as well as another group, Pro Life Wisconsin, spent around $150,000 on state political campaigns compared with $1.3 million by Planned Parenthood Advocates.

For Huyck and Lyons, their personal journeys to prominence in Wisconsin began in the heart of the country.

Huyck, born into a Methodist family, was raised on a farm outside of Centerburg, Ohio, "smack, dab in the middle of the state," she said. Her parents were farmers who raised Herefords and corn.

Huyck was the youngest in the family and grew up with a niece, who was just like another sister.

"My mother would go out and feed our 100 head of cattle while I took care of my niece," she said. "I went out and fed the cattle some. Not one of my fondest memories. It was cold. That's what I remember about feeding the cattle."

After graduating from a high school class of 68, Huyck followed her older siblings to Ohio State University, where she received a degree in psychology.

She also met her future husband, Steve. They have been married 40 years and have two daughters and a grandchild.

"I did what every psychology grad does and got a job in whatever field I could," Huyck said.

She worked as an EKG technician, then went to Xavier University where she got a master's in health care administration. She worked 13 years at Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati.

The work at the hospital, she said, provided a thread that has guided her career.

"It's helping other people," she said.

After a stint in large group physician project management, Huyck joined Planned Parenthood Chicago in 1998. Her first day on the job she had a lengthy discussion on personal security.

Even now, security remains paramount. There are daily protests in front of Huyck's Milwaukee office.

"I'm harassed almost every time I come to work," she said matter-of-factly. "A lot of our employees are harassed."

Lyons, who is Catholic, was raised in the Little Italy section of Des Moines, the youngest daughter of immigrants from southern Italy. Her mother was a homemaker and her dad repaired shoes.

She said she had a great childhood and vividly recalls how as a student she volunteered at a local orphanage. She adored babies.

"I think everyone deserves a shot. That's it," she said. "I formed those values when I was a teenager."

Lyons attended Creighton University in Omaha, Neb., a Jesuit school where she studied mathematics, chemistry and philosophy.

"I was probably the first woman in the Italian community who even went away to college," Lyons said. "Women just didn't go to college. They did other things. My two sisters are older than I am and my one sister still holds it against me in a loving way. They just weren't going to allow her to leave."

After graduating in 1962, Lyons moved to Milwaukee to follow friends who were recruited to work in the public schools. She got a job as a systems analyst and programmer for Wisconsin Bell Telephone Co. and worked there for three years.

"I had my first baby," she said. "Then I stayed home with my children for 12 years."

Lyons and her husband, Pat, married 48 years, have four children and four grandchildren.

Like millions of others around the nation, Huyck and Lyons can recall their reactions to the landmark 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that gave women a right to abortion.

"I was in my late teens when Roe v. Wade was decided," Huyck said. "I had girlfriends who had gotten pregnant and been thrown out of school, unable to finish high school. And we were a bunch of farmers that were poor...It was a scary, shaming time for young women. And when Roe v. Wade was decided we thought, 'OK, now it's our decision what we do.'"

A few years later, Huyck's best friend confided to her that she had undergone an abortion after being raped by a co-worker. The friend, Huyck said, underwent the procedure at a Planned Parenthood provider in Ohio.

"She was treated very well," Huyck said. "It was a tough time in her life and it was tough for her to tell me about it."

Lyons recalled reading about the Roe vs. Wade decision in her local newspaper, the large headlines matching her astonishment.

"Absolutely shocking," she said.

A year later, Lyons began volunteering for Wisconsin Citizens Concerned for Life, the forerunner of Wisconsin Right to Life. She became president of the Milwaukee chapter, and in 1977 began button-holing legislators as a lobbyist. She jokes that there isn't a school for lobbying. She just went out and tried to educate legislators and earned a reputation as someone who was intense and persistent.

A Milwaukee Journal article from 1985 focused on two weapons in Lyons' lobbying arsenal: "forcing roll-call votes by legislators on abortion, then using the results in election campaigns."

"There are waves that we've gone through," Lyons said. "The first wave, after Roe vs. Wade, those of us who were involved way back then were just convinced this was a huge mistake. If we just went out and told people about the baby in this womb they would reverse it. That was very discouraging. It's like education didn't matter."

For those in Wisconsin engaged in the abortion debate, the 2010 election of Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican, was a watershed moment.

"I was excited, exhilarated," Lyons said. "We go a long ways back with Scott. I've known Scott since he was a college student at Marquette and he was the head of the Students for Life group. So he is not a Johnny come lately on the issue at all."

Huyck had a different reaction to Walker's election.

"We knew they would be coming after us immediately," she said.

Walker and his fellow Republicans in the Legislature repealed a law that Democrats had passed that had barred abstinence-only education. The Legislature also cut $1.1 million in funding to Planned Parenthood and the group closed four rural centers. By far the biggest bill was the one that required ultrasounds for women seeking abortions as well as hospital admitting privileges for doctors who perform them.

"You always hope things won't turn out as badly as you think they might, but they certainly have," Huyck said.

In recent months, Huyck has gotten a national profile as Wisconsin has taken center stage in the struggle over abortion.

"I'd rather have a national profile for talking about family planning and pregnancy prevention and STD treatment and diagnosis and cancer screening," she said.

Over the years, Lyons has also had a brush with national attention. Wisconsin Right to Life took on the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law over campaign advertising and won a 5-4 decision in the U.S. Supreme Court in 2007.

"Citizens United would have never happened if we hadn't come first," Lyons said of the later U.S. Supreme Court ruling that lifted many restrictions on corporate and labor union spending in elections.

She said those who oppose abortion "have momentum right now" that is fueled "by young people who reject abortion." Lyons added there are like-minded legislators, too, who are knowledgeable on the subject and are committed to the cause.

"Many years ago, you'd almost have to beg to find an author of a piece of a legislation," she said. "Now, they're very willing to come forward and they're just very passionate about the issue and they want to save lives."

Where will the debate end? Lyons predicted that Roe vs. Wade will fall.

"I think the day Roe vs. Wade collapses is going to come as a surprise, in a way," she said.

Huyck and other abortion supporters are trying to hold the line in the current climate.

"It was a really hard-fought battle in 1973," she said, "but we all thought the war was over at that point."


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