Two phytonutrients found in foods like celery and artichokes could someday play a powerful role against cancer.

Researchers from the University of Illinois found that apigenin and luteolin, which are flavonoids found in these vegetables as well as some herbs (such as Mexican oregano), seem to have pancreatic cancer-killing capabilities in a lab setting.

Even though individually, apigenin and luteolin were effective in causing pancreatic cancer cells to die, researchers found that pre-treating the cancer cells with either compound, and then applying a chemotherapy drug to the cells, seemed to be the most effective.

"We received the best results when we pre-treated cancer cells with apigenin[1] for 24 hours, then applied the chemotherapeutic drug gemcitabine for 36 hours," study researcher Elvira de Mejia, a professor of food chemistry and food toxicology at the university, said in a statement.

A potential reason for the flavonoids' effectiveness may be their status as antioxidants. "One of the ways that chemotherapeutic drugs kill cells is based on their pro-oxidant activity, meaning that flavonoids and chemotherapeutic drugs may compete with each other when they're introduced at the same time," Mejia added in the statement.

Researchers cautioned that people with pancreatic cancer likely can't get enough antioxidant flavonoids to affect their cancer just by eating a lot of artichokes and celery. However, the new findings are promising for potential cancer drugs.

The new study is published in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research[2] .

Apigenin has shown cancer-fighting abilities in previous research, too. A study published last year in the journal Hormones and Cancer showed that the substance could slow progression of some kinds of breast cancer tumors[3] in mice.

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  • Not every step toward a more nutritious diet has to taste like one. Forget the steamed broccoli and try incorporating more <a href="" target="_hplink">great-for-you greens</a> into your favorite meals you're already making. We asked the experts to share with us some of their favorite sneaky ways to get more greens. Here are some of their most drool-worthy suggestions.

  • Baked Goods

    Try pureeing greens and adding them to muffins, suggests <a href="" target="_hplink">Elisa Zied</a>, MS, RDN, CDN. When paired with other flavorful ingredients, like blueberries or <a href="" target="_hplink">chocolate</a>, you won't notice the <a href="" target="_hplink">spinach hidden in the mix</a>. "You won't even feel like you're eating vegetables," says <a href="" target="_hplink">Heather Bauer</a>, RD, CDN. This trick even works with <a href="" target="_hplink">brownies</a>! (Just remember this isn't a free pass to eat the whole pan.)

  • Eggs

    <a href="" target="_hplink">Elizabeth M. Ward</a>, MS, RD, swears by greens in omelets, especially <a href="" target="_hplink">kale</a>, which you can easily buy frozen and throw into the mix whenever you're in the mood to make breakfast.

  • Pasta

    As you're just about finished cooking your favorite noodle dish, around the time when you might typically add some fresh basil, try adding heartier greens to the mix, says <a href="" target="_hplink">Julie Upton</a>, MS, RD, CSSD. Spinach works particularly well, she says. Greens also work in lasagna, says Zied, or instead of basil in homemade pesto, says <a href="" target="_hplink">Cheryl Forberg</a>, RD. (You can even try the pesto as a yummy condiment to serve on sandwiches, she says.)

  • Smoothies

    To change up your morning routine, try mixing spinach or kale into those homemade fruit smoothies, says Ward. A handful of leaves doesn't have to make your sip look -- or taste -- green!

  • Pizza

    There's no reason you can't add a little green to your favorite homemade slice. A handful of leaves can add a refreshing factor to that warm and gooey cheese. Upton suggests baking your dough with just fresh mozzarella. Then when it comes out of the oven, cover the entire pie with a mix of arugula, cherry tomatoes, olive oil and vinegar.

  • Beans

    "When I'm making black beans (with tomato, garlic, onion, cumin, etc.), I love to stir in a couple cups of chopped, blanched greens like spinach, chard or kale at the end," says Forberg. "Adds great color, texture and flavor!"

  • Soups

    Just about any green can be pureed to make a thicker soup, helping to camouflage a distinct health-promoting taste, says Bauer. Whipping up a greens-based soup or sauce is an especially good trick for the severely veggie-averse, she says, who might not even want to see vegetables.