Originally appeared on WomansDay.com[1]

By April Castillo

Woman's Day has been sharing critical heart health information and raising awareness about heart disease in women for decades. Now, they're taking that commitment to the next level and teaming up with Joy Bauer[2] , Woman's Day nutrition columnist and TODAY show contributor, to launch the Live Longer & Stronger Challenge. Six readers will work with Joy for the next six months to lose weight, lower their risk of heart disease and change their unhealthy habits -- for good. Keep clicking to meet these inspiring women, leave comments to cheer them on and check back regularly for updates!

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  • Sandra Munroe

    <strong>Age:</strong> 35 <strong>State:</strong> Arizona Following a tough breakup, Sandra moved back to her home state (she's a self-proclaimed NYC girl at heart) hoping to consistently eat better and exercise more. She's even a certified Zumba instructor. But at a routine dentist appointment in early 2013 (where she received a wellness check), her blood pressure measured an extreme 233/138. There was no reason for it to be that high -- and her dentist sent her straight to the ER to quickly lower the pressure. She knows it's finally time to learn how to cook and eat nutritious food to jumpstart a better lifestyle. "I really need help getting started. My fridge is stocked with awesome rotting vegetables right now. I know what I should be doing (I think), but I don't know how to actually get myself to do it," says Sandra.

  • Mikita Burton

    <strong>Age:</strong> 36 <strong>State:</strong> Kansas When Mikita was pregnant with her second child, her aunt died from heart disease. She knew heart problems ran in her family, but her aunt's death hit too close to home. Inspired by her mom, who got her own checkup, Mikita was measured for body fat around her belly. She discovered that carrying a large percentage of fat there, around her organs, puts her at a higher risk for heart disease. Mikita loves exercising and playing Just Dance with her kids, but she's realizing that being active is only one part of being healthy. She wants to learn how to use portion control (her husband is a chef!) and teach her kids healthy habits by example. "It seems like every other post on Facebook is about a pill or shake for weight loss. I don't want that. I want to learn how to make the right choices forever," says Mikita.

  • Crystal Cochren

    <strong>Age:</strong> 41 <strong>State:</strong> New Jersey Crystal tends to reflect about her life during milestone birthdays. When she turned 40 last year, she knew she needed to lower both her high blood pressure and high cholesterol. So she set out on a journey to lose more than 75 pounds. Even though she works as a lawyer, she also attended seminary, and it gave her a new perspective on health. She realized that she spent so much time on her studies, but no time on her wellbeing. Although she's motivated to keep shedding weight, she's plateaued at an 18-pound loss, and hopes to challenge herself to get fit for life. "Your body is God's dwelling place, and I realized that if you show respect to your health, you'll prosper physically, spiritually and emotionally," says Crystal.

  • Jennifer Pietrok

    <strong>Age:</strong> 44 <strong>State:</strong> Idaho Jennifer is a pillar of support for her young children and husband, an Air Force veteran who struggles with PTSD. She's held them together through tough times and periods of intense stress -- but it's taken a toll on her. Jennifer says she's addicted to Diet Pepsi and often turns to carbohydrates and sugar to cope. On a recent family vacation, she was too exhausted to check out the scenic trails and paths that her kids wanted to explore. Jennifer said she doesn't want to feel physically held back anymore. Now that her family's stable (and has moved into a new house!), it's her turn to take care of herself. "I'm not interested in fitting into that size 5/6 pair of jeans. I just want to be healthy and feel like I can get up in the morning and tackle the day," says Jennifer.

  • Deborah Hunt

    <strong>Age:</strong> 52 <strong>State:</strong> New York As a nurse educator, Deborah is an authority on health. But at a recent talk focusing on women and heart health, she joked and used herself as an example of what not to do. She's well aware of her high cholesterol and hypertension, how sedentary her life is and the fact that her love of all things "salty and crunchy" is a diet downfall. Although her family history suggests that she has a high risk of developing heart disease in the future, Deborah wants to avert those problems by changing her course now. She knows she should improve her health through diet and exercise, and now she's finally ready to use the information she shares with others in her own life. "As a nurse, I know what I should be doing, but I need help figuring out how to make it work in my life -- and sticking with it," says Deborah.

  • Antoinette Stratton

    <strong>Age:</strong> 64 <strong>State:</strong> California Antoinette struggled with acid reflux, and one night in 2012, her medicine wasn't helping. Although she wasn't in pain, something felt "off," so she went to the ER. After Antoinette underwent tests, doctors discovered that 99 percent of her artery was blocked -- and she had, in fact, suffered a heart attack. She immediately had surgery to receive a stent. Antoinette was so happy to be alive, she entered cardiac rehab and focused on eating more nutritious foods. She wanted to do everything she could to recover quickly and prevent another heart attack. But unfortunately, she eventually reverted back to her unhealthy ways. She's now ready to get back on track -- and stay on it. "I can't believe that I let my health slide just six months after almost dying. I'm ready to make a lifelong change, not a temporary one," says Antoinette.