Mandy Ingber
Mandy Ingber teaches yoga to some of Hollywood's fittest, including Jennifer Aniston, Kate Beckinsale and Brooke Shields.
Jennifer Aniston's longtime yoga teacher Mandy Ingber shares how she stays motivated, some of the biggest mistakes she sees her famous clients making, and her secrets to a happy, healthy life.
One of the top yoga instructors in Los Angeles, Ingber has also worked with stars such as Kate Beckinsale and Brooke Shields and is famed for her hardcore yoga/spinning workouts. She has also published a New York Times best-selling yoga and lifestyle book and DVD set titled Yogalosophy.
Q: What are some of the biggest fitness or diet mistakes that you see your clients making?
Mandy Ingber: Being hard on themselves. Deprivation has a backlash. Eating whole, organic, real foods, and avoiding packaged, processed food over time will reap the best rewards. Quick fixes also have repercussions and are less effective. Hearing people state lofty goals like losing 20 pounds is not a great set up either because we respond best to little wins along the way. By setting a goal that is not immediately achievable, many people can get discouraged if they do not see the results right away. Set short-term, manageable goals.
What are some of your favorite post-workout snacks?
KIND Bar (they are made with ingredients you can recognize and pronounce. This is not your typical bar). Coconut Almond MYLK. Green juice. Nuts: cashews, almonds, pistachios. I love 'em all. A small square of dark chocolate.
What does a typical breakfast for you look like?
Scrambled egg whites with sliced avocado and a quarter bagel, and I admit, I occasionally use butter. Green tea with lots of honey, or greek yogurt with cinnamon and berries.
How can a busy person commit to a workout when it’s so easy to let it slip through the cracks?
You must schedule it in. Literally make a date and write it in your calendar. When I work with high-powered celebrities and executives, they are making time for their workout. That's half the reason they schedule me to come over!
If you could offer one piece of advice on achieving better fitness, what would it be?
Be consistent and love yourself. You do not get into better shape being hard on yourself. Drink lots of water (half your body weight in ounces), and be complimentary and congratulatory about your own achievements. Do not compare yourself to what others seem to be.
What is your top advice for a better, more balanced diet?
Eat whole foods that are unpackaged. If it's in a package, avoid it.
Do you have a workout or life mantra?
Having the body you want begins with loving the body you have. Also: yes. To everything.
Any guilty pleasures, and how often do you succumb to them?
Coffee. Half & half in the coffee. Chocolate. My boyfriend. Daily. In moderation.
Do you have your own motivational struggles?
Perfectionism has been the main issue holding me back. I never realized that until recently. The old voices: "I'll do such and such, when…" That just doesn't occur to me anymore as I let go of perfectionism and just take it day by day. The next designated task reveals itself. It's a daily consistent practice.
What is your approach to a happy life?
Have gratitude for all that you have, and you can be happy exactly as you are. Nothing on the outside needs to change in order to be happy.
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