AUSTIN — Democrats and Republicans sparred over far-reaching legislation to restrict abortions in Texas as a GOP-dominated House committee approved the bill early Wednesday and sent it to the full chamber to take up early next week.

After hearing testimony from some of the 2,300 who had signed up to testify on the bill, the House State Affairs Committee approved the measure 8-3, with two absences. It was the first public hearing on the abortion bill in the current special session, which began Monday and was called after a Democratic filibuster killed an identical measure during another special session in June.

Earlier, Rep. Jodie Laubenberg, R-Parker, author of the legislation, was peppered with questions by several Democrats as she explained the bill to start the hearing.

Asked whether the new restrictions would limit access to abortion, Laubenberg repeated over and over that her intent was “to protect the health and safety of women” who obtain abortions.

Rep. Sylvester Turner, D-Houston, cited predictions that the number of abortion clinics in the state would be reduced from 42 to five if the most sweeping provision in the bill took effect — requiring all abortion clinics to upgrade to surgical center standards.

“Would women’s safety be enhanced if 37 clinics go away?” Turner asked. Laubenberg would not answer the question directly and said she would not support a Turner amendment to provide state funding to upgrade the clinics.

Republicans on the panel defended the measure, asserting that abortion clinics and doctors performing abortions will be able to comply with the new requirements.

“There is nothing to stop these clinics from elevating their standards,” said Rep. Harvey Hilderbran, R-Kerrville. But Turner and other Democrats said the costs would be prohibitive for most of the clinics and argued that the real intent of bill supporters is to sharply reduce the number of abortions in the state in violation of the legal right of women to obtain abortions.

Laubenberg acknowledged that when the bill passes — as it is widely expected to do in the special session — it will face a court challenge. “It will probably go to the Supreme Court,” she said.

Besides new restrictions for abortion clinics and doctors, the measure also would prohibit abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy except to save the life of the woman or to terminate a fetus with severe abnormalities.

In testimony Tuesday, Austin physician Bradley Price, an obstetrician-gynecologist for 40 years, told the committee that the abortion bill was not based on sound science and would actually erode women’s health.

“This comes from the politicians, not our profession,” he said. “It would jeopardize women’s health care and interfere with medical practice and patient-physician relationships. It would also close most abortion clinics and would decrease the number of doctors who can provide care.”

But Dave Welch of the Texas Pastor Council told the panel that abortion rights supporters are trying to protect an industry “whose sole purpose is to take human life.”

“Why should we even question whether they [abortion clinics] should be held to the same standards as other medical facilities?” he asked, saying that it “is inhumane that any society would not protect the life of innocent children who have nobody else to watch over them.”

Staff writer Brittney Martin contributed to this report.

Follow Terrence Stutz on Twitter at @t_stutz.


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