In 2009, Colleen S. Burns was on a hospital table. She had been pronounced dead, and doctors were preparing to remove her organs. Then she woke up.

The Syracuse Post-Standard recently obtained a report[1] about the St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center incident under New York's Freedom of Information Law. The report revealed a number of mistakes in caring for Burns, including the fact that one nurse suspected she was improving, alerted doctors and was ignored.

Hospital staff concluded Burns, who had overdosed on Xanax, Benadryl and a muscle relaxant, was brain dead. Brain death[2] occurs when oxygen from blood is no longer delivered to the brain, causing all brain activity to stop permanently, meaning there is no chance the person will wake up, HuffPost previously reported. After Burns woke up[3] , hospital officials decided the drug overdose could have accounted for her unresponsive state, ABC News reported. Burns was discharged two weeks later, and the hospital was fined $6,000.

While obviously frightening, a mistake like this is "exceedingly rare,"[4] American Academy of Neurology member Dr. Eelco Wijdicks told ABC News. He explained that the Academy's guidelines call for "about 25 tests for doctors to perform to be absolutely sure a patient won't get better."

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    Photo Credit: Getty

  • Artificial Windpipe

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  • Full-Face Transplant

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    Photo Credit: Getty

  • Technological Innovation

    More and more, technological innovation is the driving force behind saving lives through transplantation. At recent TED conferences, two lectures were given that clearly demonstrated the exciting progress that is on the horizon.

    At TEDMED 2010, thoracic surgeon, Dr. Shaf Keshavjee, M.D., <a href="" target="_hplink">showed the audience a machine that allows an organ to survive</a> for an extended period of time outside of the body at a normal temperature. This allows an organ to be examined and treated before it is put into the recipient's body. Keshavejee demonstrated the machine's efficacy by allowing audience members to come up at touch a live pig's lung that had been recovered earlier that day.

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