The Alzheimer’s epidemic is taking our nation by storm: it already affects 5 million Americans and rates could nearly triple within three decades. Associated health care costs will soar from $200 billion to more than $1 trillion by 2050, increasing the cost of Medicaid and Medicare by 500 percent.

It does not have to be that way. Although Alzheimer’s disease is partly genetic and clearly linked to advancing age, new studies show that we have surprising power to prevent it. Just as a healthy diet and exercise can shield us from heart attacks, similar lifestyle changes can protect the brain.

Recent studies show that saturated fats can triple our risk of Alzheimer’s. Trans fats can increase the risk fivefold. Neglecting fruits and vegetables increases the risk of cognitive problems, too. It’s not unreasonable to conclude that Western-style dietary habits are fueling our nation’s impending Alzheimer’s storm.

As researchers tease apart the connections between foods and brain health, they find that changes in the diet — especially reduced intake of high-fat foods and boosting vitamin-rich foods — can work as a shield against memory loss. Most people are surprised to learn that leaving the burger, shake, and fries off your plate is not only good for your waistline, it’s good for your brain.

A brain-healthy diet works best when combined with physical and mental exercise.

As we continue to fund advancements in research, we need to update our dietary guidelines and, as physicians and parents, we need to set strong examples for our patients and children. As employers and educators, we need to provide examples in work cafeterias and school lunch lines. As policymakers, we need to subsidize brain-boosting foods that prevent not just Alzheimer’s disease, but also stroke, heart disease, obesity, and other chronic diseases.

To protect our nation’s health , we must first move forward with a simple prescription for healthy habits. The future of our next generation depends on it.

Neal Barnard, M.D., is a nutrition researcher, adjunct associate professor at the George Washington University School of Medicine, and president of the nonprofit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. The Alzheimers Association holds its annual conference in Boston next week.


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