Farai Chideya has been to 47 U.S. states, 25 countries and has led a successful 20 year career as a journalist and writer. But the source for much of her growth and success she credits to a single person: her mother.

Chideya spoke with The Huffington Post's Daniel Koh today at the Aspen Ideas Festival about her recent blog post, "Ode to the Black Tiger Mother", the complicated issue of race relations in America, and what success looks like to her.

Chideya's blog was in response to the 'Tiger Mother' stereotype usually associated with the Asian culture, but which she argues "is not limited by race." Her own strong and demanding mother is a prime example.

She also talked about the issue of race relations in America not as a problem, but as a tremendous opportunity for the country. "When we look at the waves of immigration into America, it's a huge opportunity for us to be global citizens," Chideya said. "Sometimes I call myself an I-merican, which doesn't mean I'm self centered, but International American."

This video is part of a series of interviews with speakers, attendees and panelists at The Aspen Ideas Festival, produced by The Huffington Post in conjunction with The Aspen Institute. For more videos from the series, click here. For more information about The Aspen Institute, click here.

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