Dads gets a bad rap when it comes to health. Just take a look at the skimpy selection of options for a Father's Day card. Those cards would have you believe every dad is a beer-guzzling, burger-eating couch potato with digestive issues who doesn't exercise except for the occasional game of golf.

But what kind of example would he be? Here at Healthy Living, we know a whole bunch of dads who have taught their sons and daughters valuable lessons about nutrition, fitness and wellbeing.

Even if Dad didn't encourage you to pick up a tennis racket, there's a lot to learn from him and his experiences with health. And one of the most important ways to get to those answers is to know and understand your family's medical history.

By asking him the questions below, you can learn information that can empower your own decisions about health, whether that's to adopt a more nutritious diet, commit to getting your recommended 150 minutes of physical activity a week, to keep stress at bay or get enough sleep. Taking such preventive measures, after all, "is by far a more effective way of managing your life than waiting for catastrophe," says Alan White, Ph.D., men's health professor and researcher at the Centre for Men's Health at Leeds Metropolitan University in the UK.

Once catastrophe strikes, dads risk leaving their children without one of their best role models, says Rani G. Whitfield, M.D., a board certified family physician and spokesperson for the American Heart Association. "To take care of your family, you've got to take care of yourself!" he says.

To help dad take care of himself -- and to take better care of you, considering asking him the following questions.

How's Your Heart?

Heart disease is still the number one killer in the U.S. You probably already know if dad has undergone any major cardiac events in his lifetime, but you might not know the family history of high cholesterol, blood pressure or diabetes, says White. If your father has any of these risk factors for heart disease, you too could experience them as you age, he says. Also ask when dad was told he had heart disease. If he says before the age of 55, your risk increases in turn, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

While you can't negate your risk, there are heart-healthy habits you can adopt to keep your own ticker in tip-top shape. "Speaking to your dad about health problems may indicate you might get something yourself, but it doesn't necessarily," explains White. "It's not inevitable, you can do something about it." Look to add more heart-healthy foods to your diet, aim for those two and a half hours aerobic exercise a week and keep stress to a minimum.

Is There A History Of Mental Illness In Our Family?

Even your closest family members may not feel comfortable speaking openly about mental health. The climate is certainly changing, but stigma persists, and might have kept dad or grandpa from honestly explaining a number of conditions that seem to run in families, like bipolar disorder or depression. Speaking up about such issues may have been considered a sign of weakness in the past, says Whitfield.

While it certainly doesn't mean you're bound to struggle, White explains, arming yourself with the knowledge of your family's emotional history will help you know to get help as soon as possible, should symptoms arise.

Have You Ever Had Problems With Alcohol?

Of course, the experts say, there are a great number of risks for substance abuse, including environmental factors, says Whitfield, but there seems to be something genetic at work, too. Family studies have shown that children of alcoholics have two to four times a higher risk of becoming an alcoholic themselves than children of nonalcoholics. While more research is still needed, there seems to be a stronger hereditary link among males, meaning that male children might be slightly more at risk of developing problems with alcohol if a parent has struggled.

Adding fuel to the fire is research that suggests a stronger link between parents and children of the same gender. If you're male and your dad has an addiction problem (or you're female and your mom does), you may have a more cautionary tale to heed. However, much more alcoholism research has been conducted among males to begin with, according to a 2003 review of the research by the National Institute On Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism.

Any Cancer History I Should Know About?

Of course it's not inevitable, but there are a number of cancers that seem to have some hereditary risk between fathers and sons. Prostate cancer is generally considered to have a genetic component, especially if it was early-onset, says White. As many as 10 percent of prostate cancer cases are thought to be due to inherited risk factors, according to the National Cancer Institute. Testicular cancer and colorectal cancer may also carry some inherited risks, says Whitfield.

The good news is that knowing your risk may help you catch the disease early. Men are more likely to be more proactive about screening if they know their family's medical history calls for it, according to the NCI.

When Was The Last Time You Saw A Doctor?

Asking dad about his next appointment won't do much for your own health, but it can ensure you have many more Fathers' Days together. Men are less likely to seek care for themselves. In fact, they are as much as 25 percent less likely to visit a doctor than women, CNN reported. Whether it's because they don't like doctors or are nervous to find out something is really wrong, says Whitfield, one thing's for sure: by the time delayers do make it into the office, diseases can be at later stages than is ideal for a first detection: "I always say to the men who don't go to the doctor on a regular basis, 'Do you want a tuneup or an overhaul?'"

Let us know in the comments: Have you had these discussions or other health talks with your father? How has it helped your health?

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  • Rene Arguello

    Physical fitness has always been of great importance to my dad and has influenced me in so many ways. While in the Navy, my dad was on the U.S Navy fast pitch softball team, and even after he married my mom he still continued to play fast pitch softball in different city leagues.
    As a boy I was amazed watching him at the plate batting and scoring runs. My dad is in his late 70s and he still continues to amaze and influence me. He had a triple bypass about eight months ago and after a couple of months of recovery he still leads a active lifestyle. He and my mom attend the gym at least three or four times a week. I figure if he can do that so can I. I am in my late 40s and I also find myself at the gym at least three or four times a week now. Sometimes I find myself on the treadmill right next to him. What a great influence I have!

  • Molly Antos

    My dad always makes me work out with him on family vacations. I like to run, but he is a huge stair-stepper fanatic. My dad also helped me stay on track so I was fit for my wedding.

  • Jenna Autuori, Fitness Editor, Fitness magazine

    My dad was such a <em>huge</em> influence on my athleticism growing up. It all started when I wanted to do whatever my older brother was doing. When he took up martial arts and as I anxiously watched his every practice from the lobby my dad encouraged me to sign up too. I was the only girl in this martial arts studio for almost 10 years. I competed with the guys and won trophies at regional competitions. Without my dad telling me I'm "tough" enough and I can do anything I put my mind to I wouldn't have thought this sport would be for me. <br> <br>

    As I got older and entered junior high and high school, I also played lacrosse and ran cross country. My dad was there every step of the way too. I always knew that this was the bond that my dad and I shared and that seeing me out there made him so proud. After hours of after-school practice, he picked me up every day, dropped me off for my Saturday morning sessions and never missed a game, no matter home or away. When I scored goals in a lacrosse match he was the first person I high-fived on the sideline. Besides playing sports, my dad was an avid exerciser and everyday as he got home from work and hit our home mini-gym everyday, I would tag along too. He would teach me how to use dumbbells, do pushups and do 100 crunches at a time.<br> <br>

    Fitness took a backseat when I was enrolled in college and I knew this was something that probably disappointed my dad, but looking back now perhaps having him around was my biggest motivation to be as fit and strong as I can be. After moving into the city on my own, I decided to sign up for an Olympic distance triathlon because I missed the life of training and wanted to get back in to the "game". My dad was the first person I called to tell my exciting news. Even though his response was laughable, "You hate open water and you're petrified of the thought of sharks", we laughed together and I told him I'd wing it and just push that though out of my mind until race day. He was my biggest supporter as I took on this new--and some thought crazy--goal. But my dad was my biggest fan, bought me my first racing bike and on race day, hugging him before I hit the Hudson water for my swim was all the encouragement I needed. It was an emotional day but knowing he was there watching me succeed kept me going. I've since done three triathlons and doing my fourth next month in the Hudson again, with my dad cheering me on. <br> <br>

    My dad has been there for every race, competition and sport I tried and I know I owe my entire love for being active to him. As a fitness editor I research, test and write about all the new workouts and give readers advice and tips for staying fit. However, my dad has been my biggest inspiration and helped shape me to be who I am today. I owe everything to my dad and I am so proud he taught me and encouraged me to be a strong, dedicated athlete. <br> <br>

  • Desiree Tojino

    My Dad didn't allow us to eat candies or drink sodas when we were kids. Because of that my siblings and I all have great sets of teeth.

  • Jennifer Strober

    As a child I remember how important health was to my father, Robert (Butch) Scully. He returned from the Vietnam War, serving two years, carrying two Purple Hearts and several scars. Not just physical but emotional.
    I was born a few years later and became his hiking, fishing, swimming, football, biking, camping, boating and you name it sports buddy. I was not only his "princess," I was his little athlete. For my entire life -- 40 years -- he has continued a healthy living lifestyle. A vegetarian, gym-going active man, he is now 63. Dad has not only taught me that health and exercise are good for your body, but he also instilled a "Nobody is Perfect" attitude and the understanding that "We can't change the past. We can only remain strong and move forward." I carry these thoughts with me every day as I raise my two young boys and train my clients.
    I am currently a fitness instructor/wellness coach seeking a certification to teach yoga. I definitely feel his influence helped move me in this direction and I'm very grateful and proud he is my father.
    On a side note, a few years ago, my father was bit by something while gardening in his backyard in NJ. The doctors are still not sure what caused it, but he ended up going into toxic shock. It was touch and go, for what seemed the longest week of my life, as I watched one kidney failing and his heart needing to be shocked. The doctors all told us that if he hadn't been in the health he was at the time he got sick, he probably wouldn't have been able to fight off the infection.
    After that experience, I began reading more on nutrition and holistic health. I now coach and advise in those fields, as well as practice them in my home with my children. Fortunately, he made a full recovery and continues to live a happy and healthy life closing in on retirement.

  • Sabrina Greenwood-Briggs

    In grammar school, my dad got up at 5:00 a.m. every day with me to help me train for my cross country races.

  • Yvonne Barajas

    The breeze of the summer days never felt as wonderful as they did at the park during the good old days of my youth. It feels as though it happened decades ago, yet I can vividly sense it all as though I were right there, right now. It was just Daddy and me, at the park walking around, listening to his stories as I searched for the rabbits and squirrels.
    Everything amazed me at that age. I was around 10 years old or so, and I thought my dad was the handsomest man alive. I did not ask for much, just to spend some time with him, and to hear his stories and the answers to my many questions.
    He would randomly chase me and I would try to sprint as fast as I could to try to beat him. We would walk by the bike route and let the sun be our clock -- when the sunset became vivid, it was our cue to head home. As the years went by, my dad found a second job to make ends meet and the time we spend together became limited. But my dad is a truly wonderful man who works in the rain, even when he has a migraine.
    The time he has free though, he uses to spend time with us -- my mom, my sister and me. I still remember looking for him out the window, asking my mom when he would be back from work, tears rolling down my face. I still run to him when he gets home from work and I do not sleep until he arrives safe and sound. I would give anything to have my childhood years back because he made those the most wonderful years of my life.

  • Jacqueline Howard, Associate Science Editor, Huffington Post

    When I ran track in high school he would train with me sometimes, even after my team practiced, because he always encouraged me "to go beyond what's expected of you!"

  • Brooke Hugron, @brookiehugs

    I've run three half marathons with my dad and even crossed the finish line together hand-in-hand on one.

  • Maria Mooney, @happyhealing44

    My dad was a marathon runner and still runs daily at 60 years old. No surprise I love the sport!

  • Henrique Autran, Herbalife International

    My father started running when he was 30. He quit smoking and began to invest himself in a healthy lifestyle. I was two years old when he started. When I was 10, I began to run with him and practice karate.
    He has always invested in our (my sister and brother and me) so we can have a healthy lifestyle. Today, he is 72 (and still running, although not as much as before) and I am 37. I'm practicing running and lifting weights. It is a great honor to be my father's son and share with you our love for a healthy lifestyle!

  • Heather, @followheatherj

    My Dad raised me since I was 2 1/2 and started off our relationship with a promise. During the wedding to my Mom he presented her with a ring but he also presented me with my own ring. He gave me a small gold band which I'm told was his promise to me that he would be there for me and be the best Dad he could be to me. (Who does that?!) Little did I know that this man would be my biggest supporter in life.
    I could not have been blessed with a better person to call Dad. Throughout my life he has always been there for my mom, sister and I. He would give us sound advice, surprise us with flowers every now and then, write us long letters of wisdom/love on our birthdays and would always live by example and teach us how a man should act. He also took me to my first concert when all of my friends weren't able to go. His character goes well beyond my family though ... everyone who knows him loves him. He is the kind of person you always want around. He's funny, witty, honest, trustworthy and charismatic. He even brings his dry cleaning lady little loving gifts just to show her she is appreciated.
    While he has not had an easy road in the healthy living department due to heart issues (he's a meat eating midwest boy after all), he is doing well and my family is always finding funny ways of sneaking spinach into his meals. I trust my Dad to always lead me in the right direction and I always strive to make him proud. He and my Mom have the best relationship I've ever seen and I hope to marry a man like him.

  • Catherine Day

    My father, Dr. Robert C. Day, survived many medical complications. He is a walking miracle in medical history. The doctors say the reason he has survived all of these close calls is because he has always been in such amazing physical condition. Despite being unable to feel much more than chronic pain on the right side of his body, he goes to the gym almost every day and intimidates every one on the basketball court with his perfect swooshes. I'm so proud to be his daughter.