When Jeanne Krieger found out her husband had Alzheimer’s disease in 2009, she knew there was at least one thing to do: keep fighting.

For more than three years, she and her husband Allen, 71, have fought to raise the amount of money put towards Alzheimer's research on both the state and federal level. The Kriegers are advocates for the Massachusetts/New Hampshire Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, most recently meeting with federal representatives in Washington, D.C., in late April.

Jeanne Krieger spoke with The Minuteman about Alzheimer’s disease and her goals for treating the disease.

What do you and your husband do to fight against the disease?

My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in the fall of 2009. Soon after we started serving as the early advisors at the Massachusetts and New Hampshire chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. We talk to our congressmen for funding and support for patients with Alzheimer’s.

The most important thing at the federal level is funding for research. Last year the New England Journal of Medicine published a report by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that clearly demonstrates the Alzheimer’s is the most expensive disease to treat. To care for Alzheimer’s costs more than cancer, diabetes or cardio vascular disease. For the nation it will ultimately be undermining to the health [care] system until we find a cure.

Other than funding, what is your goal as an advocate?

Awareness and education. Half of those with Alzheimer’s don’t even have a diagnosis done before hand. In the long run the cost is higher with no diagnosis.

At the state level we want it to be certain that there will be always be [an Alzheimer’s] program and that funding will always be available.

What is your home life like since the diagnosis?

My husband hasn’t driven for the last three years, voluntarily, because it’s the responsible thing to do. He manages because he has a rigid schedule he adheres to on a day-to-day basis, but he can’t adapt when situations change. The trip to Washington, staying in a hotel, eating meals in a restaurant; it can be disturbing for someone with Alzheimer’s. He’s in a mild situation now, capable of finding things to do like browsing the Internet or reading. But he will require more of my support. We are taking it day by day, month by month.

I keep myself busy. I’m very much involved in the community and I’m always walking around Lexington. I am certain that I take care of myself while still taking care of my husband.

What did you accomplish on your trip to Washington?

The 30 members from the Massachusetts and New Hampshire delegation, met in four meetings with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, [Congressman] Ed Markey, Congressmen Richard Neal and Joseph Kennedy. All of them were very receptive, supportive and willing to listen. [They] couldn’t make a commitment to our two-tier plan - that in 2014 $100 million remain in the budget and sign on the HOPE Act and to assure there is a proper diagnosis for a share plan for those who suffered from Alzheimer’s. However, they said it was reasonable and I have every reason to believe they will support it.



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