Elvira (Vi) Kopling worked as a bookkeeper for years, held all kinds of positions with the American Legion Auxiliary, transformed her yard into a riot of roses. She won an award for racking up hours as a volunteer at the Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

She died Sunday at age 94, "after a long ride on the Alzheimer's train," her daughter wrote in the death notice. For those attending services, her daughter added, "Please dress casual and be happy. She's free."

Kopling grew up on the north side and graduated from West Division High School. She met her husband, Jerome, on New Year's Eve 1939 at a friend's house. He showed up with his brother, who was dating her friend.

"Dad asked if she wanted to go see a movie," said her daughter, Sandy (Sam) DelMedico. "Neither had been on a date before. When he showed up at her door she wasn't ready because she didn't think he was going to show up."

They married in June 1940. After serving in World War II, he worked factory jobs, at Harley-Davidson and later at Falk Corp. Vi took night courses and became a bookkeeper for a man who ran a string of movie theaters.

"Some of my earliest memories are sitting on my dad's lap watching movies in one of the theaters, waiting for her to get off of work at night," DelMedico said.

For decades, Vi kept at her garden. She was a tester of new roses for Jackson & Perkins. Testers were asked for ideas and her name, the Peace Rose, was chosen.

Kopling had more than 40 years with Tanner-Paull American Legion Post 120, serving as president, secretary and treasurer, said her good friend, Elaine Frenzel.

"Almost any job that the legion put up, Vi was always there to take it," Frenzel said.

Vi held positions with the Fourth District of the American Legion Auxiliary and Milwaukee County Conference of Units, too.

She and her husband retired in their early 60s. "I think it took them two weeks to be bored," DelMedico said.

They went to work as volunteers at the VA. Vi did filing, visited with veterans and helped at ice cream socials. She helped run bingo.

When DelMedico came home from Florida for her father's funeral about 10 years ago, she knew something wasn't quite right with her mother. She sold her house and moved back home, slipping into the role of caregiver.

"To me it was like riding on a train. You never knew where it was going, what was at the end of the road. You were just along for the ride," she said. "I kept her at home as long as I could — about three years."

During those years, Vi kept up her volunteer work at the VA, even when it wasn't working out so well with the filing.

"She was misfiling, but the people at the VA kept her just because she was their friend," DelMedico said.

Four years ago, DelMedico knew it was time for a nursing home. "She was falling, getting up numerous time at night," she said.

Vi didn't like her first day at Mitchell Manor in West Allis. The second day was considerably better.

"She was sitting holding court in the hall," DelMedico said. "From that point on she sat in that hallway and everyone that walked in was her friend. Nobody was a stranger to my mom."

DelMedico visited often, usually with her two rescue dogs, Gizmo and Milo. They sometimes napped with Vi, who had become beloved as the chatty lady in the hallway at Mitchell Manor.

"Everybody had become her family," DelMedico said. "At the end, staff came in and gave her a kiss. I hope that they got the message that they were her family."

Besides her daughter, Elvira Kopling is survived by three granddaughters, 11 great-grandchildren and a brother, Gilbert Reichert.

Elvira (Vi) Kopling

Services will be held Thursday at Krause Funeral Home, 12401 W. National Ave., New Berlin, with visitation from 4 to 5:45 p.m., and funeral service at 6 p.m.



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