
April 28, 2013 12:00 AM

SOMERSET — Kevin Sardinha has seen his father John spend the last seven years afflicted by early onset Alzheimer's, an illness his mother calls "The Long Goodbye."

Now, he hopes to pay tribute to his parents as well as raise money and awareness for the Alzheimer's Association by taking part in the 100-mile 2013 Ride to End Alzheimer's on July 13 in Devens.

The event, a bike ride, was inspired by a motorcycle ride Sardinha took with his father about a year and a half ago. He said it gave him the chance to connect with his dad, now 67, and have an enjoyable time despite the illness. "It was great," he said.

They had hoped to ride again together in the future, but John's condition soon progressed, he said.

"Although it's the first ride we had, it's the last we had," he said.

When Sardinha decided to raise money for the Alzheimer's Association, he used the memory of that experience to pay tribute to his father, selecting a distance of 100 miles in honor of the work his parents had done raising him.

"One hundred miles was not enough for what my parents have done for me," he said.

Sardinha said he has been working hard to prepare for the event, as he is not an experienced rider. "I chose to do the ride before I had a bike for the ride," he said.

He said his father has displayed a wide and sometimes surprising variety of symptoms, including appetite loss, constant pacing, and the loss of memory.

Sardinha, who now lives in Winchester, added that his father often fails to recognize him. "It's really difficult to see a loved one going down that path," he said.

He said that the ordeal had been particularly difficult on his mother, who has taken care of her husband throughout his illness. "It is so exhausting," he said.

Sardinha said it is important for those caring for a family member with Alzheimer's to lean on others to give them support and give them a break so they can relax occasionally.

His mother's sister frequently steps in to help her, he said, adding he has also spent time watching his father. Although the symptoms are difficult for him to witness, he said he is trying to get more accustomed to them so that he can better assist his mother.

The proceeds from the ride will benefit the Alzheimer's Association of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, which offers such services as support groups, a helpline, and consultation.

Sardinha had originally hoped to raise $750 for the cause, but now looks to raise 10 times that after receiving an outpouring of support. As of mid-week, according to the association website, he was well on the way to his $7,500 goal with the amount raised topping $5,000.

"People have been very generous so far," he said.

Anyone interested in donating can do so by visiting Further information on the Alzheimer's Association can be found at http:///

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