Asthma sufferers have been urged to be more vigilant after a poll found that half of those with the condition do not think they are at risk of a potentially fatal asthma attack.

A survey of more than 50,000 sufferers found that 52% do not think they are at risk of an attack - but Asthma UK warned that nine out of 10 of those people are mistaken.

The charity, which released the figures as part of its Stop Asthma Deaths campaign, said that sufferers who do not take their preventer inhaler every day, or those who ignore worsening symptoms and those without a personal asthma action plan are at risk.

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"Millions of people with asthma are unaware that the condition can be fatal and that they are regularly taking huge risks with their lives," said Asthma UK's chief executive Neil Churchill.

"We can all help stop asthma deaths, and we need to start by changing the attitude that 'it's just asthma'.

"We've launched the Stop Asthma Deaths campaign to help people reduce their chance of having an attack - but they can't do this alone. Healthcare professionals also have a crucial part to play in helping people manage their asthma and spotting who may be in danger."

Asthma is a common long-term condition that can cause a cough, wheezing, and breathlessness. In the UK, around 1,140 people die from the condition each year.

Would you know how to help someone having an asthma attack?

  • What To Do If Someone Is Having An Asthma Attack

  • Step One

    Ask if they have their reliever inhaler (usually blue) and where it is. You may need to get it out of their bag for them.

  • Step Two

    Encourage them to take one to two puffs of their reliever inhaler.

  • Step Three

    Make sure they are sitting up.

  • Step Four

    Encourage them to take slow and steady breaths.

  • Step Five

    Keep them calm and reassure them.

  • Step Six

    If they are still not feeling better after two minutes they can take two puffs of their reliever again and continue to do so every two minutes (up to a maximum of 10 puffs).

  • Step Seven

    If they feel better, they should be OK to carry on with their day - but make sure they see a doctor as soon as possible (ideally the same day).

  • Step Eight

    If at any time you are worried about them, call an ambulance.

  • Step Nine

    If after 10 minutes they don't feel better and their inhaler doesn't seem to be helping them, then call an ambulance.

  • Step 10

    If the ambulance hasn't arrived after 10 minutes then the sufferer should repeat Step 6, until help arrives.