The term "tortured artist" is a well known one, and artists with that reputation often pride themselves on producing powerful work from places of pain. But what happens to those who reach a happier state? Can happiness and creativity co-exist?

Artist Josh Melnick asked meditation expert Sharon Salzberg her thoughts on harnessing creativity from a lighter place -- and what to do when the majority of your inspiration comes from somewhere darker. Salzberg says that producing great work when you're feeling tortured stems from a traditional divide.

"I think that's a very Western notion of creativity and maybe historically it's true that people certainly needed to be on edge," she said. "I've had many students in meditation who are artistic in some way who have said 'I don't know if I want to go further with this because I will lose my ability to create.'"

Salzberg hypothesizes that while some traditions of art usually comes from exploration and discovery, others can be born from a more peaceful place.

"I look at Eastern traditions which may be more about balance and harmony and one's deepest creative endeavor coming from a place of insight and love -- it's very, very different," Salzberg said.

For more on happiness and its influence on creativity, check out the video clip above.

dream painting

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  • 2. Share Your Stories

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  • 3. Forgive

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  • 4. Be A Better Listener

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  • 5. Turn Envy And Jealousy Into Energy

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  • 6. Smile More, Frown Less

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  • 7. Exercise, Eat A Healthy Diet And Take In Vitamin D

    "This may be common advice, but we all need some form of exercise and sunlight every day even -- if it’s only for 15 minutes. If you can’t get natural sunlight, ask your doctor about Vitamin D supplements and/or light therapy. If you can’t get exercise during your busy schedule, use the staircase instead of the elevator or park in the furthest parking spot. Whatever it takes, keep yourself in healthy motion as often as you can. Consider balanced meals and don’t push away those fruits and vegetables. If you feel hunger throughout the day, consider almonds and walnuts if you are not allergic. If you are predisposed to allergies, consider frequent smaller meals throughout the day instead of three larger ones. The energy we get from exercise, a healthy diet, and light exposure gives us focus, clarity and a naturally positive demeanor."

  • 8. Be A Positive Forward Thinker

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  • 9. Stop Blaming Others

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  • 10. Understand That The Past Is Not A Blueprint For The Future

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