Genetic testing company 23andMe has been slammed with a $5 million lawsuit less than a week after the Federal Drug Administration ordered the company to halt sales.

Filed by San Diego, Calif. resident Lisa Casey, the class action lawsuit against the Silicon Valley company claims their genetic testing kits are meaningless[1] , unsupported by scientific evidence and falsely advertised to consumers. The Google-backed company sells $99 spit-kits that consumers fill with a saliva sample, return for DNA testing and receive back with a glimpse into their genetic makeup[2] and propensity for different diseases and conditions.

"It seems to me to be a very thinly disguised way of getting people to pay them to build a DNA database," Casey’s attorney Mark Ankcorn told NBC News. “I anticipate they are going to fight it and use every available resource they have to deny the claims.”

A 23andMe spokesperson said in a statement that they would not comment on legal proceedings[3] .

On Nov. 27, the FDA ordered 23andMe to stop sales of its kits[4] , stating that the company is in violation of U.S. law because the tests have not been cleared by the federal government to make medical claims.

Before 23andMe faced legal scrutiny, critics alleged the company was paving the way for the “designer baby” market because of a patent it holds allowing egg and sperm recipients to evaluate how their genes will combine with a donor’s. However, the company announced that it no longer intends to implement the patented technology in fertility clinics.


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    What’s the point of creating a pet that doubles as a nightlight? Scientists say the ability to engineer animals with fluorescent proteins will enable them to artificially create animals with human genetic diseases.

  • Enviropig

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    So scientists added an E. Coli bacteria and mouse DNA to a pig embryo. This modification decreases a pig’s phosphorous output by as much as 70 percent — making the pig more environmentally friendly.

  • Pollution-fighting plants

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  • Venomous cabbage

    Scientists have recently taken the gene that programs poison in scorpion tails and combined it with cabbage. Why would they want to create <a href="" target="_hplink">venomous cabbage</a>? To limit pesticide use while still preventing caterpillars from damaging cabbage crops. These genetically modified cabbages produce scorpion poison that kills caterpillars when they bite leaves — but the toxin is modified so it isn’t harmful to humans.

  • Web-spinning goats

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  • Fast-growing salmon

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    If the FDA approves the sale of the salmon, it will be the first time the government has allowed modified animals to be marketed for human consumption. According to federal guidelines, the fish would not have to be labeled as genetically modified.

  • Flavr Savr tomato

    The <a href="" target="_hplink">Flavr Savr tomato</a> was the first commercially grown genetically engineered food to be granted a license for human consumption. By adding an antisense gene, the <a href="" target="_hplink">California</a>-based company Calgene hoped to slow the ripening process of the tomato to prevent softening and rotting, while allowing the tomato to retain its natural flavor and color.

    The FDA approved the Flavr Savr in 1994; however, the tomatoes were so delicate that they were difficult to transport, and they were off the market by 1997. On top of production and shipping problems, the tomatoes were also reported to have a very bland taste: “The Flavr Savr tomatoes didn’t taste that good because of the variety from which they were developed. There was very little flavor to save,” said Christ Watkins, a horticulture professor at Cornell University.

  • <a href="" target="_hplink"><strong>CLICK HERE</strong></a> to continue on to <a href="" target="_hplink">Mother Nature Network</a> to see the rest of these bizarre genetically engineered creations, including <a href="" target="_hplink">banana vaccines</a>, <a href="" target="_hplink">less-flatulent cows</a>, <a href="" target="_hplink">medicinal eggs</a> and more!