There are hundreds of wonderful sites on healthy living to be seen all over the blogosphere. Here at Fit Links[2] , we'll introduce you to some that have caught our eye.

The fitness fan on your list will flip for these fantastic health-minded stocking stuffers -- and your wallet will thank you, too. Check out all the bestfitness gifts under $5[3] at POPSUGAR Fitness.

If you're finding your cold-weather workout motivation slipping, maybe it's time to shake things up. This hill repeat interval workout[4] from Fit Bottomed Girls will kick your butt -- in the best way.

Hate squats and lunges? Try this Pilates routine[5] from SparkPeople instead and tone your lower body in just 15 minutes.

Will the CrossFit craze continue? Will green juice ever take off? Well + Good predicts the top fitness and wellness trends for 2014[6] .

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