There are hundreds of wonderful sites on healthy living to be seen all over the blogosphere. Here at Fit Links[1] , we'll introduce you to some that have caught our eye.

Health headlines aren't always doom and gloom: Check out POPSUGAR Fitness's list of the best news about weight loss from 2013[2] , including how dark chocolate fights fat and a little extra shut-eye can curb cravings.

Sadly, there was also bad weight loss news, in the form of monstrous menu items from some of the country's most popular chain restaurants. SparkPeople's assembled the 15 worst offenders of the year[3] .

While you're streaming more of your favorite Christmas movies this weekend, consider trying these interactive workout ideas[4] at Fit Bottomed Girls. They'll get you moving (just a little, no sweating required), and you still get to enjoy every last Cousin Eddie quote.

No matter how much you love 'em, your favorite yoga pants are just not going to cut it on the slopes. Check out Well + Good's guide to stylish, functional gear you've got to have this ski and snowboard season[5] .

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  • The Lunk

    <strong>The look:</strong> More muscles from head to toe than between the ears. Tank tops required, short shorts preferred. <strong>The workout:</strong> Lifting free weights impossible for anyone else to pick up or hogging the bench press. <strong>The mantra:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank">"I pick things up and put them down"</a> -- but only communicates in grunts.

  • The Beauty Queen

    <strong>The look:</strong> More makeup than you'd wear on your wedding day. Ponytail optional. <strong>The workout:</strong> StairMaster <strong>The mantra:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank">"I don't sweat, I sparkle."</a>

  • The Nudist

    <strong>The look: </strong>Shirtless on the treadmill, maybe even barefoot. Naked in the locker room long enough to make everyone else uncomfortable -- and that's <em>before</em> they start talking to you. <strong>The workout:</strong> Abductor and adductor machines <strong>The mantra:</strong> "Well, as Marilyn always said, '<a href="" target="_blank">The body is meant to be seen</a>, not all covered up!'"

  • The Talk Show Host

    <strong>The look:</strong> Serious chatter. Will be accompanied by guest. May sometimes resort to cell phone. <strong>The workout:</strong> The only thing getting a real workout is that mouth. <strong>The mantra:</strong> "And then <em>she</em> said..."

  • The Tenant

    <strong>The look:</strong> Like they own the place. The tenant uses three towels, two lockers and a whole bench in the locker room. He or she spreads shower supplies, hair accessories and makeup on every available inch of counter space. May be seen eating takeout in locker room. <strong>The workout</strong>: Stretching perpendicularly to everyone else on the mats <strong>The mantra:</strong> "Mi casa es... mi casa."

  • The Couch Potato

    <strong>The look:</strong> Zoned out on a treadmill in front of a TV or on an elliptical with a month's worth of US Weekly <strong>The workout:</strong> Does turning pages count? <strong>The mantra:</strong> "What channel is 'Friends' on?"

  • The Mayor

    <strong>The look: </strong>High-fives trainers and instructors, introduces himself to new faces, has his name on his locker and the rules about cutting locks left overnight don't apply. <strong>The workout:</strong> You mean, the gym <em>isn't</em> just for socializing? <strong>The mantra:</strong> "You come here often?"

  • The Forgetful

    <strong>The look:</strong> Flip flops, jeans, non-jog bra -- whatever the missing element is, it's clear <em>some</em> crucial piece of gym gear just didn't make it into his or her bag this morning. <strong>The workout:</strong> You'll know you've encountered a Forgetful when she's squeezing in next to you at Zumba five minutes after class started. <strong>The mantra:</strong> "I know it's in here somewhere..."

  • The Lunch-Breaker

    <strong>The look:</strong> Business casual. <strong>The workout:</strong> Anything that can be done in 10 minutes flat -- or less -- without mussing up the hair. <strong>The mantra:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank">"The greatest wealth is health."</a>