Ask people in Hawaii why it's the healthiest state in the country and they probably won't cite the low percentage of smokers as an important factor.
In fact, they probably won't cite any of the statistics (low rates of uninsured, low obesity rates, and high rates of childhood immunization) that recently made Hawaii America's healthiest state[1] .
But they certainly won't argue with the title either.
Instead, they'll likely cite parts of their daily lifestyle -- things like the below -- that make living aloha stress-free, active and sustainable. Statistics are all well and good, but people in Hawaii also feel healthier, which, after all, is just as important.
1. You never need a StairMaster:
Hikes in Hawaii aren't just beautiful, they're everywhere.
2. You don't need to go to a class or have noise canceling head-phones to relax:
Zen isn't something you search for or pay coaches to provide; it's all around you.
3. This is breakfast:
Acai bowls are delicious, ubiquitous and loaded with fresh fruit and antioxidants[2] .
4. This grows in your backyard:
We all know the health benefits of avocados[3] , but Hawaii's backyard produce (which also includes mangos and papayas, among others) takes local, organic farming to a whole new level.
5. No matter how stressed you get, this is always an option:
Scientific studies show that the ocean has strong and varied affects on the human brain[4] . HuffPost Hawaii's unscientific studies show that just five-minutes in the ocean water can undo a week's worth of stress.
6. When everything else feels bad, the sun still feels so, so good:
With proper SPF, of course[5] .
7. You see something awe-inspiring on a regular basis:
Experiencing awe is said to slow down time, making you less impatient and more satisfied with life[6] .
Also on HuffPost:
- ^ recently made Hawaii America's healthiest state (www.usatoday.com)
- ^ loaded with fresh fruit and antioxidants (videos.huffingtonpost.com)
- ^ health benefits of avocados (www.huffingtonpost.com)
- ^ the ocean has strong and varied affects on the human brain (www.huffingtonpost.com)
- ^ proper SPF, of course (www.huffingtonpost.com)
- ^ making you less impatient and more satisfied with life (faculty-gsb.stanford.edu)
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