Nine-year-old Campbell Perkins of Ladue is a busy girl.

"I fence. I play the drums."

She also hangs out with her grandfather Don Lambert who has Alzheimer's disease. Lambert's nickname is D-Dad and he just turned 90 this month.

For Campbell, an ordinary birthday present wouldn't do for D-Dad.

"My mom said to buy a pair of socks," said Campbell, "but I wanted to do something bigger because it was his 90th birthday. So I decided to do an Alzheimer's walk."

Meredith Perkins, Campbell's mom, was concerned about her daughter's ambitious goals. "With three weeks to plan an event, and not having a place to have it, during the holidays, getting people there, I thought maybe will get 25 people there," said Meredith Perkins.

Campbell handed out flyers and sold wristbands in honor of D-Dad. She convinced local businesses to donate food and drink.

Despite frigid temperatures, More than 200 people showed up last Saturday at MICDS. Campbell far surpassed her goal of raising $1000, collecting over $9400 dollars for the Azheimer's Association.

"She is an incredible, incredible young lady," said Stacy Tew-Lovasz, president of the St. Louis chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. "Her hard work, her tenacity this huge heart to do something big."

Organizing the Alzheimer's Walk was impressive work for a 4th grader. "I'm really excited that I donated a lot of money to the Alzheimer's Association," said Campbell, "so they can help figure out what's causing Alzheimer's so they can stop it."