Bestselling author Raymond Benson was keynote speaker at the Alzheimer’s Association, Houston and Southeast Texas Chapter’s Family Portrait Luncheon on Thursday, November 21, which raised $205,790 for the Alzheimer’s Association.

Benson shared his personal experience with Alzheimer’s and why he chose to feature a character with Alzheimer’s in his latest series, “The Black Stilleto.”

More than 340 guests attended the event, which was presented by Houston AWARE (Alzheimer’s Women’s Auxiliary for Resource & Education). AWARE's fundraising sustains vital services for families affected by Alzheimer’s disease, including education, care consultation and the 24/7 HELPline. Luncheon chairs were Beverly Jackson and Judy Harding.

“The Alzheimer’s Association is such an important part of the fabric of our community – any community really – through the programs and services they provide,” said AWARE President Cynthia Trigg. “Families and individuals affected by Alzheimer’s rely on the support the Alzheimer’s Association, Houston & Southeast Texas Chapter provides, and we should all share the responsibility of making sure this important organization is supported financially.”


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