We all know that stress impacts health.[1] Not only can it cause insomnia, headaches, heart disease and high blood pressure, but it also can affect your mood and your relationships with others.

There are loads of scientifically backed[2] ways to fight stress. But not every method works for every personality.

That's why we asked our Facebook fans for their unconventional ideas on how to battle stress. Not surprisingly, many of their responses involved exercise. "Get a hand-held drum and drum while dancing. Move your body in ways you typically don't. Allow the music to take you," suggested Lori A. Doyle. But there were plenty of other unique ideas as well. Here are just 15 of them.

Have your own ideas? Let us know in comments.

1) "I am weird but I do one of my best housecleanings when I'm stressed. Scrubbing a bathroom or vacuuming releases a lot of stress," said Mary Fremont Rautis.

2) "Stress sometimes needs a physical way to move out of your body. Turning on music and dancing often works well for me," said Carmen Quall.

woman dancing

3) "Headphones and an audio book while reclining on an inversion table," said Lee Enry Erickson.

4) "Day dreaming. I love to day dream. You can so it anywhere. You can even pretend to be on your phone while you're day dreaming," said Nancy Brovelli Mercurio.

5) "Sitting around a bonfire," said Sandy Clutter.

sitting around a bonfire

6) "Screaming in the car," said Lynetta Campell Busen.

7)" Walking your dog. If you don't have one, volunteer to walk a neighbor's or volunteer at a shelter," said Julie Moore.

8) "Horseback riding. There's nothing like being out in nature and trusting your horse," said Julie Moore.

9) "Praying," said Ginnie Dormody-Piechocniski.

person praying

10) "I love to cook when I am stressed," said Chrisenda Smith.

11) "Games like Candy Crush and Robot Unicorn 2 or Disney's Infinity," said Kate Blake.

12) "Sewing," said Kathy Grand.

13) "Play Scrabble!" said Jane Elizabeth Anderson Barlow.

playing scrabble

14) "Paint," said Jude Howker.

15) "Singing while walking," said Edith Rosnay.

Earlier on HuffPost50:

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