This video is going to make you want to get those hands dirty and grow some broccoli.

Title "A Year in the Garden," the time-lapse was uploaded to Vimeo earlier this week by user Brad Hiebert. An opening sequence says the community plot is in a "sprawling, congested" suburb of Los Angeles, Calif. and was one family's attempt to grow their own food and eat healthier.

After watching the four-minute video, it looks like they were pretty successful, growing everything from kale and strawberries to rhubarb and sunflowers.

Community garden's have gained popularity in recent years as a means for city-dwellers to reconnect with their food. Take a look at a list of plots near you via the American Community Gardening Association if you're ready to test out that green thumb and embrace the locavore inside.

(h/t reddit green)

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