More than half of Americans think an organic label is just an excuse to charge higher prices even though more people are concerned about the environment, according to a new Harris Poll.

The March survey found that 59 percent of respondents thought the organic label was just a business strategy. Men were the most skeptical, with 63 percent agreeing with the statement versus 54 percent of women.

The poll also found that although 38 percent of people are worried about the state of the environment (up from 31 percent last year), only 3 out of 10 people are willing to pay more for green products. Americans were divided on how easy it was to be green, with 49 percent saying it was "difficult" and 47 percent saying it was "easy."

However, a recent HuffPost/YouGov poll found that while environmental support may be higher than last year, it's still far lower than in 1971 when 63 percent of people said green issues were "very important."

Earlier this month researchers also found that consumers were convinced organic foods were healthier, tasted better and were of greater value than their non-organic counterparts. Researchers at Stanford found little nutritional difference between the two in a separate study, but their research was quickly criticzied for reportedly spreading misinformation and using questionable methodology.

The Harris poll was conducted online from March 13 to 18 among 2,276 adults aged 18 and over.

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