Some topics are off-limits on a first date! When dateologist Tracey Steinberg[1] joined me on Mondays With Marlo, she said that you should never talk about your past relationships or ask about your date's former partners. There is no reason to go there -- it's way too invasive.

For more fabulous advice on mastering the art of flirting and dating like a pro, see Tracey's tips:

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  • Keep Your Eyes Open for Potential Mates

    The entire world can be one big single’s party! Always keep your eyes open for opportunities to meet someone new and attractive. Many people meet their mate while running errands or doing other daily tasks.

  • Always Look Your Best

    You never get a second chance to make a first impression, so always look your best when you’re out and about. You don’t need to dress black-tie at places like the gym, but your clothes should always be in good condition and flatter your body. Never wear anything that you wouldn't feel confident meeting someone attractive in.

  • Break the Ice

    When you first see someone attractive, catch their eye by giving them a sweet smile and say “hello.” If they smile and say “hello” back to you, ask them a question about something in the environment. Anything you see, hear, taste, touch or smell is a perfect conversation starter. Always ask an engaging question so that the conversation doesn't die at “hello.”

  • Find Out What Your Date is Passionate About

    People tend to be excited about those who they can share their passions with. The best way to become someone's passion is to align your interests with theirs. When speaking to your new friend, watch their reactions throughout the conversation. When their face comes alive, ask more questions about that topic and listen while they share their thoughts with you.

  • Maintain Eye Contact with Your Date

    The most important part of flirting is to give your new friend direct eye contact for about 70% of the conversation. You want them to know they have your full attention and that even if a group of wild coyotes broke down the door, you’d be too enthralled to notice. People rarely give each other their full attention these days. It is a wonderful feeling, and can make you much more attractive.

  • Keep the Conversation Positive

    If someone asks you questions about your life, answer positively, confidently and enthusiastically. Even if they ask you about a topic that you don't like discussing, you should still find something authentically positive to share. If you hate your job because of your mean boss, mention that you love going for happy hour with your coworkers on Friday nights. Stay away from anything that will bring the energy of the conversation down.

  • Find Opportunities to Compliment Your Date

    Let your new friend know that you admire them and look for opportunities to compliment them. If they tell you that they like to go bowling, you can tell them that they seem very athletic.

  • Limit the Amount of Time of Your First Date

    Always leave 'em wanting more! Limit your first dates to an hour maximum -- this is enough time for your date to see what it is like to spend time with you and decide if they want to spend more time together and vice versa.

  • Wait to Schedule a Second Date

    Never schedule a second date while you’re on the first date. First and foremost, you may change your mind after you've had time to think about the date. You don't want to be stuck dating someone you aren't interested in! Second, it’s perfectly okay for the other person to wonder for a day or so if you’re interested in seeing them again. You never want someone to think that they have you in the palm of their hand in the very beginning of a relationship -- they haven't earned you yet!

See more clips[2]

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