It's certainly an admirable feat to run 26.2 miles, but it's not for everyone. And since we're in the thick of prime marathon season -- is anyone else's Facebook feed full of finisher's medals and PR times and charity donation pleas?! -- we thought we might throw a bone the way of the non-marathoners. Hey, it's okay if you don't want to run a marathon. In fact, science may even be on your side. Here are 26 very sound reasons not to run.

1. You haven't trained enough.

Professional runner Jeff Gaudette writes that you should be aim to average around 40 miles a week for five to six weeks[1] if you want to guarantee a good day on the course. If you're not yet at that benchmark, it's probably a good idea to sit this one out.

2. You're not willing to train enough.

If Reason #1 applies to you, it's worth getting a little introspective. If you haven't finished your training because you're simply not willing to put in the hard work, maybe a 10K is more your cup of tea.

3. Your social life may suffer.

social life

Forget the hours spent actually racing. Training is an even bigger time commitment. It's going to take a considerable amount of time to log 40-mile weeks, and it can get tricky[2] to fit social obligations -- especially ones that include eating and drinking -- seamlessly into your training routine. If you're not ready to give up some of the fun, maybe this isn't your year.

4. Chafing.

Here's a pleasant thought: You'll be running for so long that the rubbing of the skin of your thighs or your sports bra or your cotton tee could physically hurt you. Marathon runners will try to convince you that all you need is some petroleum jelly or some tighter shorts, but is it really worth the risk?

5. Case in point:


6. Marathons are expensive.

If you want to run one of the top 25 marathons in the U.S. you can expect to shell out over $100 just to enter. The cost of the average entry fee has gone up by 35 percent since 2007[3] , three and a half times faster than inflation, Esquire reported. At some races, the high price tags act as a deterrent[4] to registration. Still, entrants are unfazed at major marathons, and those registration fees cover grander amenities and entertainment and increasing security measures[5] .

7. They hurt your immune system.

A regular workout routine can help you stay sniffle-free through cold and flu season[6] , but too much exercise can actually have the opposite effect. (Everything in moderation.) Research shows that after long, taxing workouts like marathons, immune systems are depleted for up to weeks after the race, leading to "2-6 fold increase in the risk of developing an upper respiratory infection,"[7] Mike Gleeson, a professor of exercise biochemistry at Loughborough University in Leicestershire, U.K. said in a statement.

8. You actually hate running.

If you love to run, a marathon might be the natural progression of your regular routine. But if you really don't like pounding the pavement, forcing yourself to conquer a race of this magnitude might not be a great idea. There's compelling evidence to support the fact that we stick with fitness activities that mesh well with our personalities[8] . So listen to that voice telling you running is not it for you, and find another challenge that's truly appealing.

9. A marathon isn't a surefire way to lose weight.

Setting a goal like a marathon can be inspiring motivation for people looking to slim down and shape up by race day, but marathon training doesn't replace a thought-out weight loss plan. Marathoning -- and running in general -- doesn't always lead to weight loss[9] , especially if you're not varying your routine or picking up the pace, writes Born Fitness founder Adam Bornstein.

10. It's not an excuse to eat everything you want.


Just because you need more carbs for fuel doesn't mean those should come from pizza. Yes, you're burning a lot more calories on all those long runs, but that doesn't mean nutrition isn't an important component of safe training. In fact, eating the wrong things can sap your energy or screw with digestion (more on that later). You're better off bulking up on carbs from whole grains like black rice and quinoa, and fueling your runs with lean protein for energy and recovery and heart-healthy fats like those in olive oil and avocado. Check out more great foods for runners here.[10]

11. You won't get faster.

When you're so focused on meeting your mileage goals, you're likely to let other aspects of training fall to the wayside[11] , according to Running Times magazine. "When we're using all our available time and energy for distance, we tend to resist developmental tasks like improving form and strength," editor-in-chief Jonathan Beverly wrote in 2011. Best case scenario, you don't become a better or faster runner. Worst case scenario, ignoring your form and strength leads to a sidelining injury.

12. You could be at risk of over-hydrating.

Drinking too much water, known as hyponatremia[12] , is not only very rare but very difficult to do. However, research suggests that marathon runners may be one of the more at-risk populations when it comes to this frightening condition. It may be that after a grueling race, marathon runners can't fathom flooding their bodies with too much H2O, but it is a valid risk.

13. No one really knows how to coach you through recovery.

After 26.2 miles of wear and tear -- plus months of training -- most people are in the mood for a little break from running. But science doesn't really know how you should spend those crucial couple of weeks after a big race for optimal recovery. Some experts will tell you to take one day off for every mile you ran[13] , giving you 26 days without hard running after that marathon. Others will suggest a reverse taper[14] , which allows you to gradually build back up into competitive training. But because researchers can't ask recovering marathoners to simply run another, we may never know[15] just how long it takes, exercise physiologist Dr. Timothy Noakes told the New York Times.

14. Your head's not in the right place.

It's easy to focus on the physical training and assume you'll be mentally tough when the time comes. But, in the words of Ironman superstar Lisa Bentley, a marathon is "just such a long time to concentrate."[16] Not only does your mental game need preparing, it also needs recovery time[17] -- and we don't really know how long it takes to get over that mental fatigue, either.

15. Your gut will go all sorts of crazy.

porta potties

Anywhere from about 30 to 50 percent of distance runners will have some kind of exercise-related tummy troubles[18] , and that stat may be even higher among marathoners, reported. Sure, there are little dietary tricks of the trade to try to avoid excessive trips to the porta-potties[19] . But wouldn't you prefer your insides un-jostled?

16. You'll have to eat Gu.

Okay, you don't have to. But many distance runners swear by a gel supplement "occupying a goopy place somewhere between liquid and food,"[20] as Greatist so appetizingly put it. It's got all the essential components of a solid mid-run snack[21] , and the squishy consistency makes it easy to suck down without breaking your stride. But don't you prefer eating real food?!

17. Marathons can hurt your heart.

Reality check: You can run a marathon and be a whole lot less fit than you think. (Sorry!) The problem is that for those less-fit runners, the damage to the heart accumulated over the strenuous race can last for months[22] after crossing the finish line. The good news is you will recover, but you may be vulnerable to other heart problems before you do, according to a 2010 study.

18. Or even stop it.

It's extraordinarily rare, but marathons have been known to severely hurt the heart from time to time. About one in every 184,000 runners[23] "succumbs to cardiac arrest after a marathon", Discovery reported. The runners most at risk have an underlying heart condition, so it's important to consult with your doctor before entering into a training program of any kind.

19. You're more of a private runner.

If a public display of your fitness forte only makes you uncomfortable, skip a race. The last thing you need during a marathon is to be wigged out by strangers cheering your name. You can run as far and as long and as fast as you want without screaming fans or finishers medals, and you'll enjoying it heaps more.

20. Your friends are tired of donating money to your cause.

Running for charity is basically a win-win: The marathoner gets a coveted spot in one of the hard-to-get-into races while benefitting a cause close to his or her heart in the process. But while the field of charities involved in marathons and the donations they've raked in had been on the up and up since the late '90s[24] , numbers seem to be slowing in 2013, the New York Times reported. The 2013 New York City Marathon, for example, was still not sold out just weeks before the race[25] , New York Road Runners' chief executive Mary Wittenberg told the Times, calling it "unprecedented."

"It's very hard, I believe, to do that year after year," NYC marathon organizer George A. Hirsch said about runners who must meet donation requirements in order to run. "You're coming back to your same pool of friends."

21. It could (maybe, possibly) hurt your knees.


Just about everyone will give you their personal opinion on whether or not running is bad for your knees. The science has gone back[26] and forth[27] , but experts tend to agree that running inherently is good for your knees -- as well as other bones and joints.

However, there are some extenuating circumstances that make running riskier, which in turn might make a marathon -- and all the training -- a bad idea. Preexisting knee conditions[28] or injuries can be made worse by the constant pounding. Some evidence suggests that marathon training might be more detrimental to the knees of overweight people. How your foot strikes the pavement as well as increasing your mileage or pace too quickly could also contribute to knee problems, LiveScience reported.

22. It could cause shins splints.

There are few running injuries more commonplace than this dreaded pain between the ankle and knee. Marathon training is the perfect recipe of constant pounding and the "'terrible toos'[29] -- running too hard, too fast or for too long," according to the Mayo Clinic. If you insist, at least stop running in those worn-out, decades-old sneaks[30] .

23. You might really excel at a shorter distance.

If you're not a natural at long-distance running, you might be wasting your energy to simply finish a marathon when you might dominate a shorter race. Runners ages 20 to 30 make up just 3.3 percent of triathlon participants[31] , according to Outside magazine, "meaning the competition for hardware in your age group will never be this slim again." The same age group of marathoners makes up more like 6 percent of participants[32] , according to

24. You'll talk shop endlessly.

25. You'll have to forget about pedicures.

If you don't feel like considering a black toenail[33] a "rite of passage"[34] , it might be time for a new hobby.

26. For any of the wrong reasons.

Whether it's because it seems like everyone has run a marathon or you always thought you'd complete one before 40 or your younger brother dared you to, in our humble opinion, the only really good reason to do a marathon is because you really want to. If you don't, buck the peer pressure and pledge not to judge yourself -- you are more than your mileage.

What makes you want to -- or not want to -- run a marathon? Let us know in the comments below!

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  • Running Right

    Most runners have a love-hate relationship with the treadmill. On the one hand, it's boring and <a href="" target="_hplink">germ-infested</a>. On the other, it's often a necessary evil to get through long winters or rainy mornings. <a href="" target="_hplink">Working out outside has noted benefits</a> over hitting the gym, including improved energy and a greater likelihood to <em>keep</em> exercising. But in case you're stuck inside, we want to make sure you're doing it right. We asked three fitness experts -- personal trainer <a href="" target="_hplink">Matthew Basso</a>, president of Iron Lotus Personal Training; <a href="" target="_hplink">Jason Karp</a>, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist and the author of Running for Women and Running a Marathon For Dummies and <a href="" target="_hplink">Jay Cardiello</a>, celebrity trainer, author and creator of JCore -- to share their biggest treadmill pet peeves. Here are some of the most common mistakes they see gymgoers make, and what we should be doing instead.

  • You Crane Your Neck To Watch TV (Or Your Feet)

    Anything that throws off your posture, whether it be hunching over to watch your feet or leaning to the left for a better view of the TV, is generally a bad idea. "Your neck is pulled to the right or dropped forward and one part of the musculature is getting stretched while another is getting tightened," says Basso. The longer you're in that position, the higher your risk of injury becomes, he says. You're also likely to offset your balance, warns Karp. "You're looking to the left or to the right and your body's going to follow a little bit," he says. Slumping over can also limit your oxygen intake, says Cardiello. To guarantee you're standing your tallest, imagine someone is pouring ice water down your spine, he says. For those runners who rely on a little screen time at the gym, try to find a treadmill with a screen attached, says Cardiello, so you can face forward with your chin parallel to the ground. If your gym isn't equipped with those machines, head to the back of the room. That will keep your neck as straight as possible while still allowing you to watch overhead TVs, he says. "Keep your head, heart and hips inline when you run," he says. "You're running <em>over</em> the ground, never into the ground." Or the belt, as the case may be.

  • You're Too Zoned Out

    Clearing your mind with your favorite TV show during your run is one thing. Jumping on the treadmill with concrete fitness goals is another. "I think a lot of people who choose to use cardio equipment, yeah, they sweat, but your mind starts to wander," says Basso. "Instead of really being present and focusing on the exercise, your gait, your posture, people lose it there." A too-engrossing book or magazine, or a movie might be too distracting, says Cardiello. "Save the reading for your cooldown."

  • You Do The Same Thing Over And Over

    "One of the biggest mistakes people make [at the gym] is to do the exact same thing every time, and then wonder why they don't see results," says Karp. So shake things up, by varying the intensity, speed or incline. Try a longer and slower run one day, and a shorter and faster one on another visit, he says. A great way to mix things up <em>and</em> see results sooner is with an interval workout, says Cardiello. <a href="" target="_hplink">Short bursts of higher intensity exercise</a> can up the fat-burning powers of your workouts, improve heart health and more, not to mention save you some time. And you might also want to consider adding in a little sideways movement, says Basso. Unless you're really coordinated, don't attempt to walk backwards or do anything too fancy on a treadmill. But most people -- at a slow pace -- can handle some lateral shuffling or crossover steps, he says, to work yours muscles in different ways.

  • You Skip The Warmup

    Yes, you're busy. Some days you just want to hop on the treadmill, get it over with and get out. But skipping a warmup can lead to pain and injuries, says Basso. You don't need a lot of time, and you don't need to passively stretch, he says. Instead, take five to seven minutes for an active warmup with a "joint-by-joint approach," he says, that includes hip circles, toe touches and more. "It's more of a priority to keep your mobility and keep yourself out of pain than to start a workout," he says.

  • You Hold The Bars

    Holding onto the handrails on the treadmill might seem like a safety measure, but your workout will suffer, says Karp. Some of your bodyweight will be supported, meaning you won't have to work as hard and you won't burn as many calories, he explains. If you feel like you need to hold on, it's probably because you're going at a slightly faster speed than you're ready for, he says. "Get comfortable without holding on in increments to gain confidence at each speed," he suggests.

  • You Set The Incline Too Steep

    How often do you encounter a steep hill in the outside world that takes you an hour to climb? Exactly. Exercise should be <em>functional</em>, says Basso, and strengthen your muscles for real-world use. Plus, the steeper that incline, the more likely you'll be holding onto the bar to keep yourself on the belt. "If you have to hold on, it's either too fast or too steep," says Karp.

  • You Trust The Settings

    Between the heart-rate monitor grips on the handrail and the button for the "fat-burning" zone, there's not much worth trusting on that digital dashboard. "You can't really rely on those," says Karp. "The mathematical formulas are rough estimates based on a lot of variables," he says. And every runner is different. Since they're probably not accurate to begin with, says Cardiello, don't obsess over the numbers on your machine. "Throw a towel over the display," he says, and you might just find you work a little harder.

  • You Jump Off With The Belt Moving At Full Speed

    It might seem like taking a water break without slowing down the belt saves you time in the longrun, but not if it makes you trip and fall first. "Most people don't have the coordination to do that without risking injury," says Karp. "I see people all the time who come close to falling." Fess up, are you guilty of any of these? Did we miss any common mistakes you see at the gym? Let us know in the comments!